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Glengarry May Flower HT (IMP New Zealand)


Retired Von Halla Rottweiler & French Bulldogs Perth Australia
DOB 11/5/2006
Phoenix was the first Rottweiler to gain the Herding Test Title in West Australia.
Phoenix also was awarded 2X Most Promising HT in trial at the first ever National Rottweiler Herding Trials held in South Australia 2013.
Phoenix is multi V awarded, class in show awarded and dam to Australian Champion Schwarzstern Ace.
Breed Survery Tested by Mr Anton Spinder (Germany)

Vonasche High Voltage (AI) HT ET

Retired Von Halla Rottweile & French Bulldog Perth Australia

Multi V1 rated

10x Excellent rated

Endurance Test Titled

Herding Test Titled

Breed Survey Tested by Mr Anton Spindler (ADRK)

Multi Class in Specialty Show awarded

Reserve Challenge Specialty Show


Chaos was an absolute dream dog and he lives on in his progeny.


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